
This section of the documentation is mostly aimed at people who would like to contribute to the development of cotainr.

The cotainr source code is version controlled using git and is hosted on GitHub: DeiC-HPC/cotainr

The reference documentation is hosted on Read the Docs:

Contributing to cotainr#

All contributions, including bug reports, bug fixes, documentation, and new features are welcome.

cotainr is free and open source software licensed under the European Union Public License (EUPL) 1.2. See the LICENSE file for details about your rights and obligations when using and contributing to cotainr.

Feedback & bug reports#

If you would like to report a bug, request a new features, or provide feedback and/or ideas for improving cotainr, please create an issue on the cotainr issue tracker: DeiC-HPC/cotainr#issues. A guide for creating an issue on GitHub is available in the GitHub issue docs. Before creating a new issue, please check if somebody else has already opened a similar issue. If so, please contribute your thoughts and experiences to the discussion in that issues instead of opening a new one. If reporting a bug, please provide a minimal reproducible example of the problem.

Code & documentation contributions#

If you would like to contribute changes to the cotainr codebase or documentation, you are welcome to create a pull request towards the main branch on the cotainr GitHub repo: DeiC-HPC/cotainr. A guide for creating a pull request is available in the GitHub pull request docs. Please familiarize yourself with the style guide, test suite, and reference documentation before creating a pull request. Your pull request is much more likely to be accepted and merged into cotainr if it follows the style guidelines for cotainr, includes proper tests, and is documented. Also, please keep pull request to a single topic.